We keep an herb garden on our deck. Some things do better than others. Rosemary is nearly immortal around here, and sage, oregano, thyme, and lavender all do spectacularly well.

Unfortunately, we have a difficult time with basil. This one's less emerald than I'd like it to be. In fact, parts are downright yellow. This afternoon, I trimmed it aggressively, and with the trimmed portions, I'm going to make pesto.

I start with a few cloves of garlic in a food processor. Oops, I meant to mince those.

It is, after all, a food processor.

I toasted some pine nuts and in they went.

Then as much basil as I could fit into the processor (very observant readers may notice that not all of that is basil. Five points for correctly guessing the secret ingredient du jour).

Some hard Italian cheese. I think this is a blend of parmesan, peccorino, and romano.

A turn or two of cracked black pepper.

Some olive oil.

Blend, then scrape down sides.
Repeat until smooth.
wife bagged it into five or six sandwich baggies, and we put them in the freezer. I plan to use them here and there for the next two months.
By the by, this whole process took twenty minutes.